What’s the Food Like?

There’s a question we get asked all the time!

Are you a ‘Foodie’ or a Food Tourist?

It’s an important part of your holiday – nearly 25% of your overall holiday budget – so let’s give it some priority and some time in your itinerary

What do I see, all the time, on Facebook? Pictures of peoples dinner/dessert/breakfast – it’s a topic of conversation and something you want to share.

So look for food experiences in your holiday – at a home-stay recently in India I enjoyed some lovely home cooked dishes, proudly presented by Mrs Wife and her daughter, using recipes handed down from Mrs Grandmother – sharing their culture with us.

These experiences are the stuff holidays are made of – giving us lasting memories of places we’ve been and people we’ve met

No one’s going to remember McDonalds in Hong Kong or Starbucks in Auckland – are they?IMG_0608

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No, I'm not a Travel Guru, but I have loved travelling since I was five years old, and more than love travel... I love to share my experiences... and show you our Wonderful World through my eyes!

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