What’s the weather like?

IMG_2878.JPGx......what’s the weather like? When is the rainy season?

These are the questions we get asked most often!

But please, don’t let the weather deter you from travelling or limiting your choices!

Rain is vital to many tropical paradises and can be as wondrous a sight as a clear blue sky and a big round yellow sun!

Watching a tropical rainstorm – turning a soft blue sky to a dark charcoal grey and listening for the rumble of thunder can be sensually delightful… and in the far distance, a silver flash of lightning – just a glimpse and then it’s gone!

The rains in the tropics of Asia, or the deserts and bush of Africa or the Australian Outback can change the landscape overnight. The land looks lush, the rivers and lakes are brimming. The dust is washed from the trees and bushes and they glisten green and shiny.

As you watch from the shelter of your hotel balcony, or out on the deck of your bush camp – nature will display a beautiful tapestry as creatures who love the wet come out in force… frogs, millipedes, slugs, dragonflies, damselflies, moths and grasshoppers – just enjoying the wet!

This isn’t cold, grey, English rain… this is rejuvenating rain, and it’s rejuvenating to humans too – the air is dust free and cool, and you will naturally relax and enjoy the peace and calm that comes with the rain.

Some places are just right to visit in the rain, Brazil’s Pantanal, Australia’s Northern Territory, Kerala in South India and the Okavango Delta in Botswana…

So here’s the weather forecast for today. “It will be pleasantly overcast and it will be a lovely cloudy day”!

For more information please email:  charmaine@hallmarktravel.com
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No, I'm not a Travel Guru, but I have loved travelling since I was five years old, and more than love travel... I love to share my experiences... and show you our Wonderful World through my eyes!

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